Available Resources for the Javascript Sandbox

The Javascript sandbox provides an isolated environment within which a developer’s (your!) application code is run.

It talks to the outside work via what are called “Resources”. These resources expose core Vumi functionality inside the Sandbox in a controlled fashion.

Applications in Vumi Go’s Javascript sandbox have the following resources available:


This provides access to the config variable as stored in the Vumi Go UI.

class go.apps.jsbox.vumi_app.ConversationConfigResource(name, app_worker, config)

Bases: vxsandbox.resources.utils.SandboxResource

Resource that provides access to conversation config.


This provides access to outbound messaging from the Javascript sandbox to the end user.

class go.apps.jsbox.outbound.GoOutboundResource(name, app_worker, config)

Bases: vxsandbox.resources.utils.SandboxResource

Resource that provides outbound message support for Go.

Includes support for replying, replying to groups and sending messages via given tags.

Configuration options:

Parameters:allowed_helper_metadata (list) – List of helper_metadata fields that may be set by sandboxed applications.
handle_reply_to(api, command)

Sends a reply to the individual who sent a received message.

Command fields:
  • content: The body of the reply message.
  • in_reply_to: The message id of the message being replied to.
  • continue_session: Whether to continue the session (if any). Defaults to true.
  • helper_metadata: An object of additional helper metadata fields to include in the reply.
Reply fields:
  • success: true if the operation was successful, otherwise false.


    {content: 'Welcome!',
     in_reply_to: '06233d4eede945a3803bf9f3b78069ec'},
    function(reply) { api.log_info('Reply sent: ' +
                                   reply.success); });
handle_reply_to_group(api, command)

Sends a reply to the group from which a received message was sent.

Command fields:
  • content: The body of the reply message.
  • in_reply_to: The message id of the message being replied to.
  • continue_session: Whether to continue the session (if any). Defaults to true.
  • helper_metadata: An object of additional helper metadata fields to include in the reply.
Reply fields:
  • success: true if the operation was successful, otherwise false.


    {content: 'Welcome!',
     in_reply_to: '06233d4eede945a3803bf9f3b78069ec'},
    function(reply) { api.log_info('Reply to group sent: ' +
                                   reply.success); });
handle_send_to_endpoint(api, command)

Sends a message to a specified endpoint.

Command fields:
  • content: The body of the reply message.
  • to_addr: The address of the recipient (e.g. an MSISDN).
  • endpoint: The name of the endpoint to send the message via.
  • helper_metadata: An object of additional helper metadata fields to include in the message being sent.
Reply fields:
  • success: true if the operation was successful, otherwise false.


    {content: 'Welcome!', to_addr: '+27831234567',
     endpoint: 'sms'},
    function(reply) { api.log_info('Message sent: ' +
                                   reply.success); });
handle_send_to_tag(*args, **kwargs)

Sends a message to a specified tag.

Command fields:
  • content: The body of the reply message.
  • to_addr: The address of the recipient (e.g. an MSISDN).
  • tagpool: The name of the tagpool to send the message via.
  • tag: The name of the tag (within the tagpool) to send the message from. Your Go user account must have the tag acquired.
Reply fields:
  • success: true if the operation was successful, otherwise false.


    {content: 'Welcome!', to_addr: '+27831234567',
     tagpool: 'vumi_long', tag: 'default10001'},
    function(reply) { api.log_info('Message sent: ' +
                                   reply.success); });


This provides access to the metrics aggregation system inside Vumi. Metrics that are fired here are aggregated and available for displaying in a dashboard. The backend for this is Graphite.

class go.apps.jsbox.metrics.MetricsResource(name, app_worker, config)

Bases: vxsandbox.resources.utils.SandboxResource

Resource that provides metric storing.

handle_fire(api, command)

Fire a metric value.


This enables you to make outbound HTTP calls. GET, POST, PUT and DELETE are available.

class vumi.application.sandbox.HttpClientResource(name, app_worker, config)

Bases: vumi.application.sandbox.SandboxResource

Resource that allows making HTTP calls to outside services.

All command on this resource share a common set of command and response fields:

Command fields:
  • url: The URL to request

  • verify_options: A list of options to verify when doing

    an HTTPS request. Possible string values are VERIFY_NONE, VERIFY_PEER, VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE and VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT. Specifying multiple values results in passing along a reduced OR value (e.g. VERIFY_PEER | VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT)

  • headers: A dictionary of keys for the header name and a list

    of values to provide as header values.

  • data: The payload to submit as part of the request.

  • files: A dictionary, submitted as multipart/form-data

    in the request:

        "field name": {
            "file_name": "the file name",
            "content_type": "content-type",
            "data": "data to submit, encoded as base64",
    }, ...]

    The data field in the dictionary will be base64 decoded before the HTTP request is made.

Success reply fields:
  • success: Set to true
  • body: The response body
  • code: The HTTP response code
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


    {url: 'http://foo/'},
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.body); });

alias of Agent

handle_delete(api, command)

Make an HTTP DELETE request.

See HttpResource for details.

handle_get(api, command)

Make an HTTP GET request.

See HttpResource for details.

handle_head(api, command)

Make an HTTP HEAD request.

See HttpResource for details.

handle_patch(api, command)

Make an HTTP PATCH request.

See HttpResource for details.

handle_post(api, command)

Make an HTTP POST request.

See HttpResource for details.

handle_put(api, command)

Make an HTTP PUT request.

See HttpResource for details.


This resource provides access to the contact database stored in Vumi Go. It allows you to create, delete and update contact information.

class go.apps.jsbox.contacts.ContactsResource(name, app_worker, config)

Bases: vxsandbox.resources.utils.SandboxResource

Sandbox resource for accessing, creating and modifying contacts for a Go application.

See go.vumitools.contact.Contact for a look at the Contact model and its fields.

handle_get(*args, **kwargs)

Accepts a delivery class and address and returns a contact’s data, as well as the success flag of the operation (can be true or false).

Command fields:
  • delivery_class: the type of channel used for the passed in address. Can be one of the following types: sms, ussd, twitter, gtalk, mxit, wechat.
  • addr: The address to use to lookup of the contact. For example, if sms was the delivery class, the address would look something like +27731112233
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • contact: An object containing the contact’s data. Looks something like this:
    'key': 'f953710a2472447591bd59e906dc2c26',
    'surname': 'Person',
    'user_account': 'test-0-user',
    'bbm_pin': null,
    'msisdn': '+27831234567',
    'created_at': '2013-04-24 14:01:41.803693',
    'gtalk_id': null,
    'dob': null,
    'groups': ['group-a', 'group-b'],
    'facebook_id': null,
    '$VERSION': null,
    'twitter_handle': null,
    'mxit_id': null,
    'wechat_id': null,
    'email_address': null,
    'name': 'A Random'
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


    {delivery_class: 'sms', addr: '+27731112233'},
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.contact.name); });
handle_get_by_key(*args, **kwargs)

Retrieve a contact object by key

Command fields:
  • key: The key identifying an existing contact.
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • contact: An object containing the contact’s data
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: A string describing the reason for the failure


Retrieve a contact which is known to have key ‘391cea45-ae51-441c-b972-5de765c7a0dc’.

    'contacts.get_by_key', {
         key: '391cea45-ae51-441c-b972-5de765c7a0dc',
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.contact); });
handle_get_or_create(*args, **kwargs)

Similar to handle_get(), but creates the contact if it does not yet exist.

Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • contact: An object containing the contact’s data
  • created: true if a new contact was created, otherwise false
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure
handle_new(*args, **kwargs)

Creates a new contacts with the given fields of an existing contact.

Command fields:
  • contact: The contact data to initialise the new contact with.
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • contact: An object containing the contact’s data.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


    {contact: {surname: 'Jones', extra: {location: 'CPT'}}},
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.success); });
handle_save(*args, **kwargs)

Saves a contact’s data, overwriting the contact’s previous data. Use with care. This operation only works for existing contacts. For creating new contacts, use handle_new().

Command fields:
  • contact: The contact’s data. Note: key must be a field in the contact data in order identify the contact.
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • contact: An object containing the contact’s data.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


    'contacts.save', {
        contact: {
            'key': 'f953710a2472447591bd59e906dc2c26',
            'surname': 'Person',
            'user_account': 'test-0-user',
            'msisdn': '+27831234567',
            'groups': ['group-a', 'group-b'],
            'name': 'A Random'
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.success); });

Search for contacts

Command fields:
  • query: The Lucene search query to perform.

  • max_keys: If present, a non-negative number that specifies

    the maximum number of keys to return in the result. By default keys for all matching contacts are returned.

Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • keys: A list of keys for matching contacts.

Note: If no matches are found keys will be an empty list.

Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


Searching on a single contact field:

    'contacts.search', {
         query: 'name:"My Name"',
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.keys); });
handle_update(*args, **kwargs)

Updates the given fields of an existing contact.

Note: All subfields of a Dynamic field such as extra and subscription are overwritten if specified as one of the fields to be updated.

Command fields:
  • key: The contacts key
  • fields: The contact fields to be updated
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • contact: An object containing the contact’s data.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


    'contacts.update', {
         key: 'f953710a2472447591bd59e906dc2c26',
         fields: {surname: 'Jones', extra: {location: 'CPT'}}},
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.success); });
handle_update_extras(api, command)

Updates subfields of an existing contact’s extra field.

Command field:
  • key: The contact’s key
  • fields: The extra fields to be updated
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • contact: An object containing the contact’s data.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


    'contacts.update_extras', {
        key: f953710a2472447591bd59e906dc2c26',
        fields: {location: 'CPT', beer: 'Whale Tail Ale'}},
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.success); });
handle_update_subscriptions(api, command)

Updates subfields of an existing contact’s subscription field.

Command field:
  • key: The contact’s key
  • fields: The subscription fields to be updated
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • contact: An object containing the contact’s data.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


    'contacts.update_subscriptions', {
        key: f953710a2472447591bd59e906dc2c26',
        fields: {a: 'one', b: 'two'}},
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.success); });


This resource provides access to the groups stored in Vumi Go. It allows you to find, create and update group information and retrieve their member counts.

class go.apps.jsbox.contacts.GroupsResource(name, app_worker, config)

Bases: vxsandbox.resources.utils.SandboxResource

Sandbox resource for accessing, creating and modifying groups for a Go application.

See go.vumitools.contact.ContactGroup for a look at the Contact model and its fields.

handle_count_members(*args, **kwargs)

Count the number of members in a group.

Command fields:
  • key: The key of the group to retrieve
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • group: A dictionary with the group’s data.
  • count: The number of members in this group.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


    'groups.count_members', {
         key: 'a-key'
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.group); });
handle_get(*args, **kwargs)

Get a group by its key

Command fields:
  • key: The key of the group to retrieve
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • group: A dictionary with the group’s data.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


    'groups.get', {
         key: 'a-key',
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.group); });
handle_get_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Get a group by its name

Command fields:
  • name: The key of the group to retrieve
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • group: A dictionary with the group’s data.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure
Note: If more than 1 matching groups are found a Failure reply is


    'groups.get_by_name', {
         name: 'My Group',
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.group); });
handle_get_or_create_by_name(*args, **kwargs)

Get or create a group by its name

Command fields:
  • name: The name of the group to get or create
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • group: A dictionary with the group’s data.
  • created: A boolean, True if created, False if not.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


    'groups.get_or_create_by_name', {
         name: 'My Group',
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.group); });
handle_list(*args, **kwargs)

List all known groups

Command fields: None

Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • groups: A list of dictionaries with group data
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


    'groups.list', {},
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.groups); });

Search for groups

Command fields:
  • query: The Lucene search query to perform.
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • groups: An list of dictionaries with group information.

Note: If no matches are found groups will be an empty list.

Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


    'groups.search', {
         query: 'name:"My Group"',
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.groups); });
handle_update(*args, **kwargs)

Update a group’s name or query.

Command fields:
  • key: The key of the group to retrieve
  • name: The new name
  • query: The query to store, defaults to None.
Note: If a query is provided the group is treated as a
“smart” group.
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • group: A dictionary with the group’s updated data.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure


    'groups.update', {
         key: 'a-key',
         name: 'My New Group',
         query: 'name:foo*'
    function(reply) { api.log_info(reply.group); });


Provides logging facilities for your application. These logs are available for viewing in the UI. The 1000 most recent log entries are stored.

class go.apps.jsbox.log.GoLoggingResource(name, app_worker, config)

Bases: vxsandbox.resources.logging.LoggingResource

Resource that allows a sandbox to log messages.

Messages are logged both via Twisted’s logging framework and to a per-conversation log store in Redis.


Provides access to a Redis backed key value store. GET, SET and INCR operations are available. There is a limit of 10000 keys per user.

class vumi.application.sandbox.RedisResource(name, app_worker, config)

Bases: vumi.application.sandbox.SandboxResource

Resource that provides access to a simple key-value store.

Configuration options:

  • redis_manager (dict) – Redis manager configuration options.
  • keys_per_user_soft (int) – Maximum number of keys each user may make use of in redis before usage warnings are logged. (default: 80% of hard limit).
  • keys_per_user_hard (int) – Maximum number of keys each user may make use of in redis (default: 100). Falls back to keys_per_user.
  • keys_per_user (int) – Synonym for keys_per_user_hard. Deprecated.
handle_delete(*args, **kwargs)

Delete a key.

Command fields:
  • key: The key to delete.
Reply fields:
  • success: true if the operation was successful, otherwise false.


    {key: 'foo'},
    function(reply) {
        api.log_info('Value deleted: ' +
handle_get(*args, **kwargs)

Retrieve the value of a key.

Command fields:
  • key: The key whose value should be retrieved.
Reply fields:
  • success: true if the operation was successful, otherwise false.
  • value: The value retrieved.


    {key: 'foo'},
    function(reply) {
            'Value retrieved: ' +
handle_incr(*args, **kwargs)

Atomically increment the value of an integer key.

The current value of the key must be an integer. If the key does not exist, it is set to zero.

Command fields:
  • key: The key to delete.
  • amount: The integer amount to increment the key by. Defaults to 1.
Reply fields:
  • success: true if the operation was successful, otherwise false.
  • value: The new value of the key.


    {key: 'foo',
     amount: 3},
    function(reply) {
        api.log_info('New value: ' +
handle_set(*args, **kwargs)

Set the value of a key.

Command fields:
  • key: The key whose value should be set.
  • value: The value to store. May be any JSON serializable object.
  • seconds: Lifetime of the key in seconds. The default null indicates that the key should not expire.
Reply fields:
  • success: true if the operation was successful, otherwise false.


    {key: 'foo',
     value: {x: '42'}},
    function(reply) { api.log_info('Value store: ' +
                                   reply.success); });


Provides access to the stats in the messagestore. Specifically counts of messages sent, received, unique “from_addr”s and “to_addr”s and calculated throughput of any conversation linked to a Vumi Go account.

class go.apps.jsbox.message_store.MessageStoreResource(name, app_worker, config)

Bases: vxsandbox.resources.utils.SandboxResource

handle_count_inbound_uniques(*args, **kwargs)

Count from how many unique “from_addr”s messages were received.

If no conversation is specified then the current application’s conversation is used.

Command fields:
  • conversation_key: The key of the conversation to use. This is optional, if not specified the application’s own conversation is used.
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • count: the number of unique “from_addr”s messages were sent.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure.
handle_count_outbound_uniques(*args, **kwargs)

Count to how many unique “to_addr”s messages were sent.

If no conversation is specified then the current application’s conversation is used.

Command fields:
  • conversation_key: The key of the conversation to use. This is optional, if not specified the application’s own conversation is used.
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • count: the number of unique “to_addrs”s messages were sent.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure.
handle_count_replies(*args, **kwargs)

Count how many messages were received in the conversation.

If no conversation is specified then the current application’s conversation is used.

Command fields:
  • conversation_key: The key of the conversation to use. This is optional, if not specified the application’s own conversation is used.
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • count: the number of messages received
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure.
handle_count_sent_messages(*args, **kwargs)

Count how many messages were sent in the conversation.

If no conversation is specified then the current application’s conversation is used.

Command fields:
  • conversation_key: The key of the conversation to use. This is optional, if not specified the application’s own conversation is used.
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • count: the number of messages sent
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure.
handle_inbound_throughput(*args, **kwargs)

Count how many messages a minute were received.

If no conversation is specified then the current application’s conversation is used.

Command fields:
  • conversation_key: The key of the conversation to use. This is optional, if not specified the application’s own conversation is used.
  • sample_time: How far to look back to calculate the throughput. Defaults to 300 seconds (5 minutes)
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • throughput: how many inbound messages per minute the conversation has done on average.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure.
handle_outbound_throughput(*args, **kwargs)

Count how many messages a minute were sent.

If no conversation is specified then the current application’s conversation is used.

Command fields:
  • conversation_key: The key of the conversation to use. This is optional, if not specified the application’s own conversation is used.
  • sample_time: How far to look back to calculate the throughput. Defaults to 300 seconds (5 minutes)
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • throughput: how many outbound messages per minute the conversation has done on average.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure.
handle_progress_status(*args, **kwargs)

Accepts a conversation_key and retrieves the progress_status breakdown for that conversation.

If no conversation is specified then the current application’s conversation is used.

Command fields:
  • conversation_key: The key of the conversation to use. This is optional, if not specified the application’s own conversation is used.
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • progress_status: A dictionary with a break down of the conversations progress status:
    'ack': 1,
    'delivery_report': 0,
    'delivery_report_delivered': 0,
    'delivery_report_failed': 0,
    'delivery_report_pending': 0,
    'nack': 0,
    'sent': 1,
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure.


Provides access to the opt-out status of contacts. Allows one to check, count and change the opt-out status of address_type and address_value pairs.


This resource needs to be enabled on a per-account basis. By default it is disabled for all accounts.

class go.apps.jsbox.opt_out.OptOutResource(name, app_worker, config)

Bases: vxsandbox.resources.utils.SandboxResource

handle_cancel_optout(api, command)

Cancel an opt-out, effectively opting an address_type & address_value combination back in.

Command fields:
  • address_type: the type of address cancel the opt-out for.
  • address_value: the value of the address_type to cancel the opt-out for.
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • opted_out: set to false
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure.
handle_count(*args, **kwargs)

Return a count of however many opt-outs there are

Command fields: None

Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • count: an Integer.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure.
handle_optout(api, command)

Opt out an address_type, address_value combination

Command fields:
  • address_type: the type of address to opt-out. At the moment only msisdn is used.
  • address_value: the value of the address_type to opt-out.
  • message_id the message_id of the message that triggered the opt-out, for auditing purposes.
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • opted_out: set to true
  • created_at: the timestamp of the opt-out
  • message_id: the message_id of the message that triggered the opt-out.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure.
handle_status(api, command)

Accepts an address_type and address_value and retrieves the opt-out entry for it.

Command fields:
  • address_type: the type of address to check for opt-out status on. At the moment only msisdn is used.
  • address_value: the value of the address_type to check. At the moment this would be a normalized msisdn.
Success reply fields:
  • success: set to true
  • opted_out: set to true or false
  • created_at: the timestamp of the opt-out (if opted out)
  • message_id: the message_id of the message that triggered the opt-out.
Failure reply fields:
  • success: set to false
  • reason: Reason for the failure.